Health Education Through Puppet Show

FM-UGM. There are many kinds of health risks which threaten the society. Healthy life style education and its promotion to prevent those risks have been done by the academician and the government. One kind of promotion is the Faculty of Medicine UGM held a Puppet Show in Balai Desa Sukoreno, Sentolo, Kulon Progo Regency (18/3) in title ”Jumenengan Parikesit” and Ki Anom Sucondro as the puppeteer. This event held to celebrate the 71st Faculty of Medicine anniversary.

“This puppet show is related to community services. The purpose is to entertain and educate the society about the of a healthy lifestyle. We believed that puppet show is a good media for educating the society,” said the chairman of puppet show Prof. dr. Suhardjo, SU., SpM(K).

Besides puppet show, Faculty of Medicine UGM also held social services, such as house renovation, skin checkup, children checkup, eyes checkup, and give free glasses.

“Around 10-20 percent Indonesian children in Primary School-Junior High School have the problem with their eyes, for example, myopia. Unfortunately, the myopia is just detected by the doctor. Whereas, if it could detect earlier, 40 percent myopia could be prevented. We hope that from this event the society could more aware about their health. Thus, it could reduce the risks of diseases,” said the professor. (Wiwin/IRO); (Megawangi/Translator)