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Disaster Preparedness Simulation

Alarm – a warning sign that fire occurs – was heard in almost every corner of Radioputro building, at FKKMK UGM. Many students, teaching personnel, teachers, and even security officers ran out of the building in panic. They were in hurry to save themselves.

Just after a few seconds, several security officers came to help a victim trapped in one of the lecture room. Wounds were seen in all over his body. The officers immediately took him out of the building and provided first aid. Unfortunately, just a few moment after they performed wound dressing, the victim had a cardiac arrest. Then some officers from Faculty Emergency Response Team (FERT) arrived with an ambulance to provide some help. After the victim was stable, FERT team brought him to the hospital for further care.

The thrilling events above were scenes of disaster preparedness simulation held at FKKMK UGM. Led by Sutono, S.Kp., MSc., M.Kep, a teaching staff of the Department of Nursing, this stimulation was an effort to commemorate the National Disaster Preparedness Day, on Thursday 26th April. He also added that this stimulation was also a means to introduce that FKKMK UGM already established a Faculty Emergency Response Team (FERT) system.  (Wiwin/interpreted by Leo)

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