Contacts Nickel and Risk of Skin Inflammation

FK-UGM. Doctoral Faculty of Medicine to develop research on the role of nickel contact allergies and some risk factors in Numularis Dermatitis (DN). DN is an inflammation or skin disease that is chronic and recurrent-kumatan, and until now its pathogenesis is not yet clear. The implication of this to the DN recurrence is important to investigate, considering people are very disturbed with the skin condition. Some of the possible factors that affect the incidence of DN is the role of hypersensitivity to nickel, and impaired skin barrier, the role of infection, and psychological stress.

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“Allergy to nickel is a significant risk factor to the onset of dermatitis numularis shown from the results of patch test, lymphocyte stimulation index and levels of IFN-gamma. In addition, anxiety and depression is also a risk factor in DN, “said the staff of the Department of Dermatology and Venerologi Faculty of Medicine, Dr. dr. Niken Indrastuti, SpKK (K) while following an open examination of doctoral program, Tuesday (28/2) at the Auditorium of Faculty of Medicine with promoter Prof. Dr. dr. Hardyanto Soebono, SpKK (K).

The study in 84 subjects with the duration of the study in November 2015-April 2016 that aims to prove nickel contact allergies and various other factors on the incidence of DN has finally managed to get some points conclusions. First, there is evidence that nickel allergy act as risk factors for DN indicated from the results of patch test, lymphocyte stimulation index and levels of IFN-gamma. Second, the psychological stress proved to be risk factors for DN. Thirdly, skin dryness is not a risk factor for DN. While the fourth point, streptococcus infection is not a risk factor for the onset of DN.

For the development of advanced research, Niken Indrastuti added that the clinical examination for patients with DN should also be equipped with a nickel allergy examination. “In patients with DN -pun still necessary to study particular aspects of psychological anxiety using anxiety scores (BAI)”, said winning the title of Doctor of UGM all this 3506. (Wiwin / IRO; Photo: Dian / IRO)