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Congenital Anomaly: From Genetics to Management

FK-KMK UGM. One of the biggest causes of death in newborns is congenital anomaly or abnormalities, which are caused by genetic problems and various other factors. In the genomic era when the latest molecular techniques have been developed throughout the world, genetic diagnosis could be established more precisely, including early detection of congenital anomalies. But not only for diagnosis, genetic technologies are also useful for prevention, therapy, and prognosis of a disease based on patient’s specific character. Comprehensive management in these cases help reducing the morbidity and mortality of patient.

The latest research and innovations related to those problems need to be shared in a special scientific meeting. Therefore, FK-KMK UGM in collaboration with Indonesian Association of Pediatric Surgeon (InaAPS / PERBANI) and Indonesian Society of Human Genetics (InaSHG / PGMI) held the 2nd International Conference on Congenital Anomaly and Developmental Biology (ISCADB) themed “Current Concept in Birth Defects – From Genetics to Management” on August 3-5 2018

InaSHG was established in 1976 as the Indonesian Human Genetics Association (PGMI) in Yogyakarta by seven initiators from four universities, namely Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Gadjah Mada, and Universitas Padjadjaran. Been inactive for several decades, InaSHG became active again by taking part in the first ISCADB conference which was successfully held last year. President of InaSHG, Prof. dr. Sultana MH Faradz, Ph.D hoped that through this international meeting, geneticists would be more recognized as they are very much needed both in laboratories and in clinical setting.

Seminars in the first session was delivered by Prof. Mary Herbert from Newcastle University with title “Towards Clinical Application of Pronuclear Transfer to Prevent Mitochondrial DNA Disease” and Prof. Mark Davenport from King’s College London under the title “Biliary Atresia: From Australia to The Zebrafish”. An interesting presentation was also conveyed by dr. Amir Thayeb from Universitas Indonesia, titled “Birth Defects in Indonesia: Burden and Management”. Last but not least, Prof. Hiroomi Okuyama from Osaka University presented “Thoracoscopic Surgery for Neonates (Esophageal Atresia and Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia)”.

The event was continued with the first symposium themed “Current Management on Hepatobiliary Problem” delivered by dr. Sastiono from Universitas Indonesia, dr. Akhmad Mahmudi from UGM, and Prof. Kenneth Wong from University of Hongkong. Additionally on the first day, ISCADB 2018 also organized a poster presentation event which was participated by 15 researchers and an oral presentation attended by six researchers. After that, the second symposium titled “Updates on Congenital Gastrointestinal Disorder” was delivered by dr. Erjan, dr. Poerwadi, Prof. Hiroomi Okuyama, and Prof. Mark Davenport.

There were three symposiums, oral and poster presentation, as well as the International Manuscript Workshop on the second and third day of ISCADB 2018. Besides being a media for knowledge update, dr. Aried Budiyanto, Ph.D as the director of UGM’s Academic Hospital, expressed his hope that the conference could motivate Indonesian scientists to be more active in participating in various international publications. (Fildzah/Reporter_intepreted by Leo)

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