Yogyakarta-in order to welcome Ramadan 1438 H, and at once in an effort to foster a spirit of caring and sharing, Faculty of medi
Programs held from 01 to 23 June 2017 is intended to invite civitas akademika collect donations (zakat, infaq, shodaqoh, donate goods, public donations, rice, people, etc.). The results of the collection of this donation will be channeled to student social activities, compensation to the poor-poor, orphan-disadvantaged children, the development of education, scholarship, and others who are entitled to receive). This activity was diukung by KORPAGAMA Komisariat medicine, Takmir Masjid Ibn Sina, the Forum Study employees, KALAM, BEM, Lazis Al Haromain. The granting of donation can be done at the counter-the counter which was opened in the building Radioputro 1st floor and Building KPTU FK UGM 1st floor starting at 9:00 am until 14.00 every working day.
Dean FK GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M Med Ed., Ph. D, Sp. OG (K) appealed to the whole civitas Academica (professors, Employees and students) to participate actively donate in this activity, hopefully this little efforts contribute to a greater community need. Dean also invite to manifest the UGM FK caring and sharing. Happy Ramadan worship 1438 h. Viva Medika. (Aris/IRO)