Career as Army personnel officer

Generally, many medical graduates interested in continuing to pursue specialist studies. Meanwhile, there are many other way opportunities,
Meanwhile, there are many other way opportunities,
for example as an officer soldier in the Indonesian military (TNI). In the event Socialization Admissions Officers Soldiers (PA PK) military (especially health professionals) Academic Year 2017 was held in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UGM (23/3), Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, dr. Retno Gandes Rahayu, M.Med.Ed., PhD asserted in his speech, that the majority of medical graduates choosing mainstream as a specialist. “In fact, there is another pathway that might not have even recognized. Even may not know information about it. And it could be your life’s calling. Buka hati, buka pikiran, terbukalah untuk diinspirasi. We believe, in this room there were inspired to a career in the military, “he said.

Chief Army Medical Center Major General dr. Pratomo Sulistyanto M.M Bambang explained, the role of health workers during the war it was very large because it is concerned with the survival of the country, but it was in about 1800 when the first generation of war. As for today, the health worker was placed in the hospital. Where the focus is health coaching for the TNI.

“Health workers are stationed at the Navy necessary adaptation to the environment while sailing at sea. In fact, doctors and nurses are stationed on the submarine must pass a competency test marine crew, “said Head of the Institute of Marine Health, dr. Arie Zakaria, SP.OT. That is because in the ship many things that need to be regulated, such as temperature regulation, replacement of oxygen, water, and even sterilization submarines from insects and disease.

Furthermore, dr. Didik.

Kestito, Sp.U.MM.Bs. described the main tasks the health department’s air force is to support the health and health care Air Force members and the general public. (Mega/Reporter)