Benchmarking Visit of Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar

FK-KMK UGM. The nine delegates from Myanmar visit FK-KMK UGM today (15/1) aimed at adapting the best practices in education and research methods developed by FK-KMK UGM. The delegates comprises of the officials from Ministry of Health and Sports; professors and lecturers from University of Public Health, Yangon. “We would like to get best practices on surveillance and teaching methods; quality of health education system in order to improve the quality of human resources of health. It is perfectly supported by the Ministry of Health and Sports,” explained Prof Anil Krishna who initiated this benchmarking visit program.

Prof Tin Tun -a Deputy Director General, Department of Human Resource for Health Ministry of Health and Sports Myanmar added span of interests which underlie the delegates’ visit including lesson learned on bachelor curricula; undergraduate and post graduate training; as well as training for teaching in medical education and self-assessment report as part of the academic quality assurance. “We need to support Myanmar Medical Council by improving our institutional quality system,” described him.

In addition to general aim, Prof Anil Krishna offered FK-KMK UGM to lead a joint proposal development in term of the upcoming grants launched by UK. This grants focuses on multisector training capacity in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Sports for non-communicable diseases/NCD prevention. He underlined, “Since UGM has experience on implementation research on tropical diseases, we genuinely asked UGM hand-in-hand to jointly develop a proposal. We need a good partner so we look up for UGM”.

“We’re more than happy. Indeed, we already have close contact with DMR –the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Health and Sports in capacity building,” said Dr Yodi Mahendradhata –Vice Dean for Research and Development who officially welcomed the delegates at the executive room, 2nd floor KPTU Building. Furthermore, Dr Yodi enlighten the delegates about the existing role of FK-KMK UGM as the Regional Training Center of WHO in capacity building for Tropical Diseases Research especially. For short term capacity building, Dr Yodi offered the possibility for organizing the Implementation Research (IR) workshops in Myanmar. It can be held for 2-3 days intensively plus a networking course online so it’s such a blended learning program. While for longer term, FK-KMK UGM has a two-year study degree program so called IR International Graduate Program. There is a number of grant scheme from WHO-TDR for potential participants from low- and middle-income countries of WHO South-East Asia and West Pacific regions. We open for other topics related to specific needs such as NCD prevention outside the funding scheme of WHO-TDR.

The delegates got lesson learned on public health development at FK-KMK UGM by having discussion with Head of three departments under public health and Head of Master Program in Public Health as well as Head of Doctoral Program. In the afternoon, they will have a meeting discussion with research centers and will be continued by visit to HDSS office. On the second, Wednesday (16/1), the delegates are scheduled to benchmark on management quality assurance including academic accreditation and problem-based teaching applied by School of Medicine FK-KMK UGM.     \sari