Assessment LAMP-PTKes in Clinical Specialist Program of Ophthalmology

FM-UGM. In 2017, 17 majors in Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) will across the accreditation process by LAM-PTKes. On Thursday, 8th of June 2017 Clinical Specialist Program of Ophthalmology 1 has been accreditation assessment by LAM-PTKes.

A year to year, the amount of ophthalmologist always increasing. Furthermore, around 80% the staff in Clinical Specialist Program of Ophthalmology was a consultant. “We show what we have done, but we still need a feedback for improvement,” said  The Head of Study Program, dr. R. Haryo Yudono, Sp.M.

The accreditation process is one of commitment of UGM to maintain the quality and learning activity in UGM. “I hope that we will get the best result for Clinical Specialist Program of Ophthalmology,” said Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of Gadjah Mada University, Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D

The Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., SpOG(K)., Ph.D. said that the Clinical Specialist Program of Ophthalmology is active in book publishing. Moreover, They also active in community service about cataract surgery and myopia check up to enhance the competency and skill of the future ophthalmologist. (Dian/IRO);(Megawangi/Translator)