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Arbovirus Disease Control in Indonesia: Dengue, Chikungunya, or Zika

Approximately less than 120 people from among clinical practitioners, professors, policy holders at district and provincial and graduate students both internal and external medical school full Teather Room antusiasmemadati Faculty of Medicine Library on Saturday, March 25, 2015. One of the events Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), which is a series of the 71st Anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine was initiated by the Working Group with the theme Dengue New Challenges Arbovirus Disease Control in Indonesia: Dengue, Chikungunya, or Zika.

Prof. dr.Supargiyono, DTM & H, SU., PhD., Sp.ParK as Chairman of the Board Center for Tropical Medicine said that the importance of understanding the differentiation of arbovirus disease that is very familiar in tropical countries, especially Indonesia will streamline the vector control efforts and diagnosis of third vectorborne diseases classified this disease. Speech while opening by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada in this case delivered by dr. Mahardika Agus Wijayanti, Kes participated convey the urgency of the level of understanding of the disease surveillance system and vigilance dengue, chikungunya and zika as an approach in the control of arbovirus diseases in Indonesia. dr. Dika, as he was often called, saying that the half-day seminar held in a series of events to commemorate the 5th anniversary Hospital UGM and HUT-35 Hospital Dr. Sardjito will present speakers who are very reliable in the field.

dr. Citra Indriani staff department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Population Health describes the epidemiology triad-related arbovirus start of its impact on public health, infection transmission, global distribution, up to the challenges in the control of disease-carrying virus dengue, chikungunya and this zika. Lecturer FETP which often handles cases of outbreaks in the field is said that there are four families of main class of arbovirus the Flaviviridae, Togaviridae, Bunyaviridae, and Reoviridae highly pathogenic in humans because when the virus is transmitted by mosquitoes it will cause disease by disease of burden high The world such as Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika, Yellow Fever, Japanese encephalitis, and still found some other mosquito-borne disease.

The importance of control strategies and the strengthening of surveillance and early warning system against arbovirus diseases discussed deeply by the representative of the Director of Disease Prevention and Control Tular vector and zoonotic (P2PTVZ), dr. Iswandi who is also an alumnus of the Faculty of Medicine FETP. Her increasingly complex risk factors of a disease originating mosquitoes that accompanied the development of the disease agent requires all sectors to be able to decrease the incidence of cases in the community with a fast, accurate and transparent. This is the background of the integrated vector control (PVP) -based One Health should give priority to human health, animal health and environmental health. Civilizing PSN (mosquito nest elimination) Plus 3M collaborated with Movement 1 House 1 Jumantik by the public from the scope of the smallest in the area where he lives is one simple control strategy in the field of program priorities Arbovirus Disease Control. Because fundamentally, dr. Is, so the nickname he said that in order to eradicate the mosquito related diseases yes only live control larvae and mosquito populations. Another program priorities of P2PTVZ the sentinel surveillance system strengthening of arbovirus (S3A) to determine the serotype circulating dengue virus and other arboviruses detection.

In the second session explores in depth the development of technology for the diagnosis of arboviruses. Molecular approaches into the latest development in an effort diagnosis of dengue, chikungunya and zika because all three have their own specifications antibody titer in the human body. Molecular technology advances in health not only for diagnostic purposes, but can be used for vaccine development. One of these vaccine development. The world’s attention towards dengue vaccine development and results of trials of dengue vaccine effectiveness are explained in komprehensive including weakness and lack of development of this vaccine in Indonesia. The use dengue vaccine doses were repeated every 6 months to be effective in reducing the incidence of dengue in children aged 9-16 years. Second session panel discussion enhanced by topics raised by dr. Ida Safitri, Sp.A regarding practical clinical diagnosis of arbovirus infections. Understanding the differences for each of the clinical manifestations of each disease arbovirus be of key importance in the diagnosis of dengue, chikungunya or zika. (Fitria / Reporter)

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