Two FK-KMK UGM Exemplary Figures Receive Excellent Award from Indonesian Ministry of Health

FK-KMK UGM. Two faculty members from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK-KMK UGM) were honored with the Excellent Award by the Indonesian Ministry of Health on Tuesday. The award ceremony took place in Jakarta and was presided over by Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

The recipients of this prestigious award were Prof. Dr. Adi Utarini, MSc., MPH, PhD, and Dr. Yudha Mathan Sakti, Sp.OT(K). This recognition was given in acknowledgment of their significant contributions to the health sector.

In an interview with reporters on August 22, Prof. Adi Utarini expressed her gratitude for the award. “I was not expecting to receive this recognition from the Ministry of Health. It is a testament to our contributions in the field of health. We are immensely proud, as this award comes from an institution that also utilizes the results of our research,” Prof. Utarini said.

Prof. Utarini was one of eleven recipients of the Excellent Award this year. Her innovative research on the use of Wolbachia bacteria to combat dengue fever was specifically recognized. This technology involves infecting Aedes aegypti mosquitoes with Wolbachia bacteria, which inhibits the dengue virus and reduces the risk of disease transmission. This research has been ongoing since 2011 by the Wolbachia Mosquito Program (WMP) in Yogyakarta, supported by the Tahija Foundation, and has now become part of Indonesia’s National Dengue Strategy 2021-2025.

Prof. Utarini explained that the implementation of Wolbachia technology has begun in several cities including Semarang, Bandung, Bontang, Kupang, and West Jakarta. “The challenge now lies in managing and logistifying the operational aspects to apply this technology more broadly,” she added.

Similarly, Dr. Yudha received his award for his exceptional service as a healthcare provider, delivering the highest quality health services to the community. His dedication and commitment to achieving a healthier Indonesian society were key factors in this recognition.

In addition to these awards, the Ministry of Health also honored 230 medical professionals, healthcare workers, and community health cadres from across Indonesia for their outstanding achievements.

This recognition underscores FK-KMK UGM’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3), Quality Education (SDG 4), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), and Life on Land (SDG 15). (Isroq Adi Subakti/Reporter).

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