FK-KMK Held Guest Lecture: Implementation of Strategy Research to Improve Public Health

Guest Lecture

FK-KMK UGM. Special Program of Implementation Research (TDR), Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) Gadjah Mada University (UGM) held a Guest Lecture with the theme “How to Conduct an Implementation Research: Lessons Learned”. This activity presented Dr. Emmanuel Asampong from the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Ghana, and Mahnaz Vahedi from the TDR Program as speakers.

On this occasion, Dr. Emmanuel shares the results of his implementation research project on increasing the effectiveness of mass-distributed Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Net (LLIN) campaigns in Ghana. “One of the aims of this research is to assess the process of implementing the LLIN campaign at the community level to identify the stages needed to distribute LLIN,” explained Dr. Emmanuel.

This research is qualitative research that uses a participatory approach by collecting data using desk reviews, Forum Group Discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews, and baseline surveys which are then analyzed based on the Community Health Advocacy Team (CHAT) framework.

In the second session delivered by Mahnaz Vahedi, she explained what strategies would be implemented by the TDR program to support implementation research to improve health and welfare for people affected by infectious diseases due to poverty.

Mahnaz said that there are three things that can be done to achieve this, namely global involvement, research support and research training. These three things can increase research capacity that can provide evidence to support health interventions. With adequate research, it is hoped that the implementation of interventions can reduce the negative impact of infectious diseases due to poverty.

This is very relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 3, Good Health and Well-Being, SDG 4 Quality Education, and SDG 17 Partnerships to Achieve the Goals. Implementation research focused on public health in developing countries is a concrete step towards achieving this goal.

This activity reflects the commitment of FK-KMK UGM in supporting the achievement of SDGs through increasing implementation research capacity. By continuing to build international collaboration and strengthening research support, FK-KMK UGM plays an important role in producing evidence-based health interventions, which can provide real benefits for the wider community, especially those who are vulnerable to infectious diseases due to poverty (Fauziah)

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