Inauguration of Professor in Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

pengukuhan guru besar fkkmk ugm

FK-KMK UGM. Prof. Dr. dr. Osman Sianipar, DMM., M.Sc., Sp.PK., Subsp.PI(K)., Subsp. Onk.K(K) has successfully obtained the title of Professor in Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) after the inauguration held on Thursday (22/08) at the Balai Senat, 2nd Floor, Gedung Pusat UGM.

Through a research speech entitled “The Effect of Virus Infection in the Pathogenesis of Cancer”, Prof. Osman is now one of the active Professors at FK-KMK UGM. The topic was chosen because the presence of viruses can cause infections at the cellular and individual levels, where cancer is reported to be caused by infections of both oncogenic viruses, bacteria, and parasites.

“Cancer can appear due to chronic oncogenic virus infections. Chronic oncogenic virus infections can increase the risk of cancer by 15.4%, which is a relatively large number,” explained Prof. Osman.

Not only does it affect the emergence of cancer, Prof. Osman revealed that infectious diseases can also affect the healing process of cancer. The presence of viruses can also be used to evaluate the risk and prevention of cancer. He also said that understanding the pathogenesis of cancer caused by oncogenic viruses is expected to be useful in developing efforts to prevent, screen, diagnose, and treat cancer.

The inauguration of Prof. Dr. dr. Osman Sianipar, DMM., M.Sc., Sp.PK., Subsp.PI(K)., Subsp. Onk.K(K) as Professor in the field of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, as well as his research focus on the influence of viral infections on the pathogenesis of cancer, shows a strong commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially goal number 3 on Healthy and Prosperous Life and number 4 on Quality Education. Now, Prof. Osman has succeeded in becoming one of 63 active professors out of 131 professors at FK-KMK UGM (Reporter/Fauziah).

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