Current Perspective in Maintaining and Managing Normal Microbiome Biofilms

FK-KMK UGM. Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a guest lecture agenda attended by Prof. Bastiaan Krom, Ph.D from the Academic Center for Dentistry, University of Amsterdam. This activity was held on Thursday (08/08) at the Auditorium of the Tahir Building, 8th Floor, FK-KMK UGM.

The guest lecture activity, moderated by Ayu Rahayu, S.Si., M.Si, discussed the latest perspectives related to how to obtain and maintain normal microbiome biofilms in the human body. The normal microbiome itself is a microorganism that lives in the human body that functions to maintain the balance of the microbial ecosystem in the body. In addition, the normal microbiome also supports the human immune and digestive systems.

In his lecture, Prof. Bastiaan stated that the microbiome in the human body is not randomly localized. The microbiome is colonized in a structured manner in the human body. One part of the body that contains many microbiome colonies is the epithelial cells of the teeth and oral cavity. “Every 24 hours, there are 4 layers of epithelium that will be released. Because if it is not released, it will form a biofilm on the teeth and oral cavity,” explained Prof. Bastiaan.

In addition, Prof. Bastiaan also explained the results of his research which aims to determine the effect of biofilms on oral health and wound healing in the oral cavity. In his research cell culture model, Prof. Bastiaan stated that the presence of biofilms containing pathogens and not normal flora in the oral cavity can inhibit the wound healing process.

This guest lecture is part of a series of visiting professor and guest lecturer activities for the Department of Microbiology which lasted for approximately a week from 5 to 9 August 2024. This activity is relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG number 3 related to Health and Well-being, SDG number 4 related to Quality Education, and SDG number 17 related to Partnerships to Achieve the Goals (Reporter:Fauziah)

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