Dean's Welcome

Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM.

FK-KMK UGM is known as the oldest Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia. The change of the Jakarta Medical College (PTK) to Klaten as the center for the pre-clinical section and Surakarta as the clinic section in 1946 marked a milestone in the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine UGM, which since 2017 has been named the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM.


To produce graduates who are innovative, adaptive, have noble character and are able to become agents of change in the field of medicine and health.


Health development is the most important part of national development which aims to achieve optimal public health status as an element of general welfare.


Community service is one of the components of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, and should be the downstream of education and research.

News Release

Based on the development of scientific disciplines, currently the faculty has

The internationalization of educational institutions is our passion in managing the faculty. Student exchange programs, Medical International Undergraduate Program (IUP), guest lectures, international accreditation, improving the quality of infrastructure, continuous curriculum improvements, and expanding international collaboration partners into faculty programs to support a conducive and global-standard student learning atmosphere.

Undergraduate Study Programs
Masters Study Programs
Specialist Medical Education Programs
Subspecialist Medical Education Programs
Doctoral Program

All academic activities in the International Program, including lectures, tutorials, biomedical laboratory activities, assignments, and examinations, are conducted in English except for patient and field-related activities.

The international program at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM is designed to educate doctors who are professional, adaptive, humanist, and visionary. 

Global thinkers, Engaged leaders We'll take you higher.

Medicine Program with innovative and eminent global standards, and serve the interests of the nation and humanity supports by professional and integrity human resources imbued with nation’s cultural values based on Pancasila.