FKKMK UGM Welcomes the Third Batch of WHO-TDR Students

Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM held an orientation day for 10 postgraduate students who received the third batch of WHO– Tropical Disease Research (WHO-TDR) international scholarship program on Wednesday (7/3). Students came from several countries such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and Bhutan. They would have had lectures in their first year, while research and thesis writing would be held in the third semester, with the theme of tropical disease control.

Earmarked for students from four middle-low-income countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific area, this scholarship attracted much enthusiasm from prospective students. This is proved with a whopping total of 75 people applying on this batch.

“I hope students can adapt to the local culture, have a lot of activities, and can graduate quickly, two-year period is very short,” said Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, dr. Gandes Retno Rahayu, M.Med.Ed., PhD when welcoming the students. On the same occasion, the Vice Dean for Research, dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, MSc., PhD., also appreciated students of this batch who managed to beat other applicants. The event was also attended by management team of postgraduate program Dr. rer. nat. dr. Bernadette Josephine Istiti Kandarina, dr. Elsa Herdiana Muhandarwati, M.Kes., PhD; and dr. Ari Probandari, MPH., PhD. After having photo session, the students joined in campus tour to explore the academic environment of FKKMK UGM.

Up to 2018, the number of postgraduate students receiving WHO-TDR scholarship is 36 consist of sixteen students at the first batch, ten students at the second batch, and ten students at the third batch, respectively.