Towards Green Building, Smart Building and Futuristic

Topping Off Ceremony Graduate Building – FK UGM

Graduate Faculty building designed toward green building and smart building and futuristic,

Supported by a qualified information technology and energy efficient. This building has two towers, each consisting of eight floors and semi-basement and two floor sky bridge. Until now, progress has reached 47%, the target for completion in December 2017.

The high demands of technology in education and medical research, as well as many foreign cooperation courses designed to make building towards smart building and futuristic. Still, energy saving, powered by the leading green building design which is featured and the answer needs to umpteen years. The building which has an area of ​​close to 10,000 square meters, the main allotment facilitate graduate education that is under the Faculty of Medicine.

The facilities were set up in this building like in focus multifunction which allows discussion of clinical cases from far away, wifi 10 Gb, the latest information technology, video room Konferen, classrooms, CBT room, meeting rooms, room teleconference, tutorial rooms / discussion, workspace student, auditorium, and is supported by the nursery room, rooms, cafeteria and shop as well as the faculty common room.

Procession topping off Tahir Foundation funded the building will be done with the installation of “mulo” in one of the buildings and will be shown live for the invited guests. Will present Dato ‘Sri Prof. Dr. (HC). Dr. Tahir, MBA, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., – Rector, Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti M.Sc., Ph.D – Director General of Resources Science and Technology and Higher Education Kemenristek Higher Education, and Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Sp.OG (K)., Ph.D – Dean of the Faculty, as well as other invited guests.

Earlier, on 4 March 2016 was carried in procession ground breaking construction of the Graduate Faculty of Medicine. Graduate Building a facility supporting graduate students as well as efforts to improve the quality of education and health in the learning process as well as the commitment and contribution of the Faculty of Medicine to assist the Government in generating human resources that are reliable and competitive. (Dian / IRO)

Topping Off Photo Graduate Building Faculty