Exploration of Natural Resources as an Alternative New Drugs

Yogyakarta – problem of antimicrobial resistance recent years into the spotlight in Indonesia even in the world. One of the efforts made to overcome the problem of resistance is to search for new compounds from natural materials that are expected to be an alternative new drugs. Therefore, in order to discover new sources of natural medicinal ingredients, Herbal Medicine Faculty Center in collaboration with the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Faculty invited experts from Taiwan-related utilization of plants as a source of medicine, Prof. Tzou-Chi Huang of Pingtung University of Science and Technology and Dr. Neoh Choo Aun, MD. the Pingtung Christian Hospital as a guest speaker at the Continuing Medical Education (CME) in the Faculty (23/3).

Prof Tzou-Chi Huang who is an expert in the field of Food Biochemistry share their knowledge through the exposure of the material ‘How to Analysis and Identify the Active Compounds in Traditional Plants and Animal Models in Herb Research’. As Dr. Neoh Choo Aun, MD with expertise in East-West Integrated Medicine conveying the material under the title “Why We Need to preserve and promote traditional Indonesian Austronesian and Medicine ‘. As an acupuncturist, in his lecture Dr Aun also introduced Pingtung Agriculture Park. In addition to speakers from Taiwan, Prof. Dr. Mustafa, M. Kes., Apt. who is a professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Faculty also share their experiences in a variety of research settings antimalarials of nature through the presentation “Experience of Research on antimalarial from Natural Materials in Indonesia ‘.

The CME participants who came from various cities in Indonesia were very enthusiastic during the course of the event which is indicated by a very interesting discussion. By getting information from experts Taiwan about how the country as a therapy utilizing natural materials remind us as a nation of Indonesia which has a wealth of natural materials has the potential to be our further explored and exploited to get a new medicine.

In addition to CME, on the same day the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Faculty scheduled discussions with both sources with the result of multilateral cooperation agreement involving the Faculty, Dr Sardjito, Ping Tung University of Science and Technology and the Pingtung Christian Hospital. The collaboration will begin with the preparation of the MOU between the Faculty and Ping Tung University with a focus on education and research, including student exchange program. [Drg Fara / Dr Eti]