Rising Maternal Mortality Rate

FK UGM. Faculty of Medicine, University of Gadjah Mada through the Working Group (WG) of the Faculty of Medical Education in Health Policy and Management Centre (PKMK) Faculty held a seminar on Workshop and Hands-On

Early Detection of High Risk Pregnant Women. Workshop held in two days (17 to 18 March 2017) in the Senate Chamber Building, 2nd Floor Auditorium of the Faculty aims to improve the understanding of general practitioners and specialists in obstetrics and gynecology on the concept of Ante Natal Care (ANC) modern in service in Healthcare Facilities First level (FKTP) and Referral Health Facility Advanced (FKRTL).

The implementation of this event, according to Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, M.Sc, Ph.D as Chairman of the Board of the Faculty PKMK is data on maternal deaths in the province that existed until 2016 had reached 38 AKI, this data has exceeded maternal death in the previous year (2015). One that needs attention is the role of general practitioners in the CO 1, obstetrician and pediatrician in the Continuum of Care of mother and child care, is essential. That role is particularly important in screening high-risk pregnancies. Given the lack of standardized reference and competence in performing the screening and no service flow and referrals for pregnant women at high risk. So that through the seminar and workshop will be expected there is agreement on the competence of reference and in the era of national health insurance as it is today.

In line with this dr. Irwan Taufiqur Rachman, Sp.OG (K) stated in the introductory training emphasizes the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is still high due to the direct cause of preventable and predictable. More dr. Irwan explained some of the causes of, among others, still contributed by postpartum hemorrhage, cardiac cases, cases of infection, severe preeclampsia and shock.

One thing that also be an emphasis by dr. Siti Noor Zaenab, Kes of Bantul District Health Office stressed “referral system is currently running, can not fully accommodate to the handling of the case. One example is the flow of Antenatal checks that do not currently require pregnant women to be examined by a general practitioner. “

In general, this event took place smoothly. This event took place also on the cooperation of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine, Department of Pediatrics Hospital Dr. Sardjito, as well as the Provincial Health Office D.I. Yogyakarta.

Some of the materials or modules are delivered as: Policy Management Reference in High Risk Patients, The Importance of Heart Disease in Pregnancy Screening, Early Detection of Hypertension in Pregnancy to approach Scoring System, Endocrinology Early Detection of Disease in Pregnancy, Newborn Urgency Management.

In addition, participants also gain hands-on experience in the workshop is guided by the relevant departments such as: Practice Examination of Voice of the Heart and reading of ECGs in pregnant women (Tim Cardiology), Practice Examination CTG and ultrasound basis in Pregnancy (Tim Obstetrics), Perinatal Case Studiesi (Tim Perinatology), and Simulation of High-Risk Obstetrics Case Management team (Obstetrics). (Doni)