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Utilization of Artificial Intelligence for Precision Medicine

FK-KMK UGM. The Department of Health Policy and Management of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM held a Rabuan Seminar on the topic of Data Science for Health Informatics on Tuesday (24/10) through a Zoom meeting and live YouTube broadcast of the Knowledge Channel.

Prof. Magnus Boman from Karolinska Intitutet was the guest speaker at this seminar. He gave a presentation entitled Implementation of Artificial and Precision Medicine in Healthcare. Precision medicine is a treatment based on individual patient characteristics including genetics, environment, and lifestyle, so that therapy can be adjusted for optimal results. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer program designed to mimic human intelligence, including decision-making ability, logic, and other characteristics of intelligence.

According to Prof. Magnus, the biggest challenge so far has been how to collect data about 1 person in a short time. “Today, sequencing is more affordable so we are trying to understand data collection in healthy people, and then we will understand it in patients,” explains Prof. Magnus.

Machine learning approaches to precision medicine have been developed to make this happen. The ability to predict how a patient may respond to a drug will shift trial and error treatment decisions and reduce the health problems and financial burden associated with disease. Machine learning approaches applied to genomic datasets offer great promise for delivering personalized medicine, but their application must first be optimized.

The development of precision medicine will contribute to realizing the third SDG, good health and well-being. With precision medicine, more patients with specific diseases can be treated. (Reporter: Nirwana)

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