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Understanding Synthesis on Clinical and Health Policy Decision Making

FK-KMK UGM. Understanding clinical evidence, will produce quality health services as well. In this case, researchers and clinicians can produce better evidence. At this point Cochrane Indonesia began to play a role in realizing the spirit to understand the best evidence in realizing high quality of health services, through the holding of the Symposium & 2nd International Conference on Epidemiology: “The Role of Evidence Synthesis in Clinical and Health Policy Decision Making”, Thursday (11/14)) in the Auditorium building.

This explanation was presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM, Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M. Med. Ed., Ph.D., SpOG (K) when giving the opening speech.

The Symposium & 2nd International Conference on Epidemiology which was attended by 270 participants and bring the main themes including how to understand, implement, and produce evidence.

“Hopefully this activity is able to open understanding of evidence-based clinical services, and transmit them to students in each institution,” concluded Prof. Ova (Reporter: Wiwin/IRO. Translator: Vania/IRO)

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