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The Importance of Early Child Development

FK-KMK UGM. Early brain development sets a base for learning, behavior, and health throughout life. How the brain develops hinges on a complex interplay between the genes you are born and experience you have.

This explanation is delivered by SusanWoolfenden, MBBS, DTM&H, FRACP, MPH, PhD of University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia on webinar titled “The Importance of Early Child Development” and Development of Speech and Language in Children” that was held on Thursday (10/11) through zoom meeting. This event is a collaboration between the Department of Child Health and Master Program in Clinical Medicine FK-KMK UGM.

Based on what Susan said, early identification is critical to the well being of children and their families. “We can manifest it through understanding what is going on, intervention, counseling, access to services, etc.,” she said.

There are some developmental red flags. “Some of them are regression at any age, not rolling by 6 months, not sitting by 8 months, no single words by 16 months, and many more,” she added.

Susan also explained that there are some challenges in early child development, such as parents’ depression and social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Second webinar will be held on Friday (11/11) in the same place with Kate Short, Ph.D, MA, Ba. AppSc (Sp. Path), CPSP from South Western Sydney Local Health District as a speaker. She will bring “The Evidence-based of Early Child Intervention in Limited Resources Area” and “Assessment and Early Intervention Speech and Language Problems in Children” as her topics. (Nirwana/Reporter)

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