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Physician’s Oath Ceremony: Period III (2016-2017)

Tuesday (25/4),  Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada/FK UGM graduated 157 new physicians consisting of 58 male and 99 female with following statistical data: average age of student 23.5 years old, average length of study 5.5 years, average score of GPA 3.52. The best graduate GPA 3.89, the best score of UKMPPD CBT – National Competence Test for Computer Based-Test 92.50, the best score of UKMPPD OSCE – National Competence Test for  Objective-Structured Clinical Examination 94.91. Up to now, totally FK UGM has graduated 8,854 physicians (5,170 male and 3,684 female).     \sari

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