Yogyakarta – UGM Faculty of Medicine continues to be the target of many foreign universities who are eager to forge partnerships in various fields of education and research. On Monday (14/8), the representative of National Taipei University for Nursing and Health Sciences (NTUNHS), Professor Chien-Yeh Hsu from the NTUNHS Information Management Department expressed his institution’s strong desire to collaborate with UGM Faculty when meeting with Vice Dean for Cooperation of Physician Mei Neni Sitaresmi, SpA (K)., PhD. Cooperative initiatives have already begun with the preparation of joint proposals, fronted by Prof. Hsu and dr. Lutfan Lazuardi, PhD and Health Management System Team of UGM Medical Faculty, which focused on developing medical records. The proposal entitled “Personal health record for Indonesia-Taiwan Travelers” submitted to Kemristekdikti through Overseas Cooperation Research Scheme (PKLN 2017) is based on consideration of the number of Indonesian workers and Indonesian students visiting Taiwan and vice versa. As a result of the development of the cooperation, UGM Faculty of Medicine and NTUNHS agreed to increase the broader cooperation as set forth in MOU with the scope of science education and health technology, education exchange and scientific research.
On the same occasion also carried out the handover process MOU that has been signed by the Dean of FK UGM to be brought Prof Hsu to Taiwan and subsequently signed by Dean NTUNHS. Both Wadek Mei Neni and Prof. Hsu hope that the agreement between NTUNHS and UGM Faculty of Medicine can be followed up with the implementation of the program in the field. The tendency for this research collaboration with overseas partners is still individual so as to ignore the principle of equality. Therefore, UGM Faculty of Medicine continues to encourage institutional cooperation to strengthen the bargaining position of the right of publication of research results so that it can also automatically increase the number of scientific publications in various international journals and improve the index of researcher census of UGM Faculty of Medicine.
When closing the meeting discussion, Wadek Mei Neni invites NTUNHS students from both nursing, public health and health technology courses to join UGM students and other international students in the Summer Course of Interprofessional Health Care: Tropical, Neglected Infectious and Sexually Transmitted Diseases 30 October to 17 November 2017. Student mobility is an effective step in the implementation of MOU FK UGM and NTUNHS.