FK-UGM. Preliminary research data on 123 new patients with a diagnosis of atrial septal defect (DSA) in the heart of the clinic Dr Sardjito the period July 2012-December 2013 was quite high.
DSA is a congenital heart disease, where there is a hole in the heart wall that separates the left atrium and the right atrium. In fact, 74 percent of patients which are already experiencing Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (HAP) with a 43.1 percent figure is already experiencing severe HAP.
In the French state an estimated incidence of pulmonary hypertension (PH) is about 2.4 cases per million per year and a prevalence of 15 cases per one million. Global prevalence of this case is still difficult to estimate because diagnosis is difficult and limited access to health services in many countries.
At least the data has been presented by the staff of the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Faculty of Medicine / Hospital Dr. Sardjito, dr. Lucia Kris Dinarti, SpPD., SpJP (K), Monday (27/2) while following the open Doctoral Program in the Auditorium of Faculty of Medicine.
Pulmonary hypertension is a condition of rising pressure in the pulmonary arteries due to inhibition of blood flow through the lungs. This condition if not promptly treated can lead to heart muscle weakens so that the right part is malfunctioning. “Approximately 15 percent of deaths caused by the delay in handling the case,” said winning the title of Doctor of all UGM 3505.
The study, promoted by Prof. Dr. dr. Abdus Samik Wahab, SpA (K)., Sp.JP (K) is expected to provide benefits to determine which is the most biomarkers play a role in the incidence of severe HAP and Eisenmenger syndrome in patients with defects Sentrum Atrium (DSA), which currently can not be corrected Closing either with surgery or device so that it can contribute to consideration of the most appropriate therapy HAP compatible with the degree of HAP.
“Hopefully, with this research we are able to increase screening Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) at an early age so that it can be done nationally early treatment and the incidence of HAP due to late detection of congenital heart disease can be prevented, or at least reduced,” said Kris Dinarti. (Wiwin / IRO)