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Title/course offered:

Introduction to Vector-Borne Disease Control


Shift in a global climate significantly affect the reproduction and distribution of arthropod vectors. This, in turn, lead to local transmission of tropical diseases in non-endemic regions. For instance, local transmission of dengue has been sporadically detected in European Union since 2010 (1). In addition, World Health Organization reported that Aedes albopictus, which is one of the vectors of this disease, has been detected in at least 32 states in the USA and 25 countries in Europe (2). As such, it is crucial that medical scientist and professionals have the skill and knowledge regarding diseases that can potentially be transmitted by these vectors. 

This program is tailored for that purpose. Through various student-centered activities, we will guide prospective international students to explore the topic of vector-borne disease. We will also arrange a field trip to Vector and Disease Reservoir Research Centre (B2P2VRP) in Salatiga, to provide the students with the opportunity to experience how the science is put into field application.


General purpose:

  • To provide students with knowledge of basic, clinical, and public health aspect of vector-borne diseases, with a focus on mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue. 

Special purpose:

  • To explain the theoretical basis of vector-borne diseases.
  • To explain the challenges in vector-borne disease control.
  • To demonstrate the practical skills that are used in the study and control of vector-borne diseases.

July 2023 (Two Weeks)


  • Lectures
  • LMS-based learning materials
  • Clinical Case Study (Articulate 360-based scenario)
  • Practical Session
  • Field Trip 
  1. Overview of Key Vector-Borne Disease in Indonesia and Their Vector.
  2. Laboratory Identification of Vector Mosquito.
  3. Introduction to Infectious Disease Epidemiology.
  4. Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Campaign in Indonesia.
  5. Climate Change and Shift in Dengue Fever Epidemiology.
  6. The Role and Challenges of Malaria Vector Control in Supporting Malaria Elimination.
  7. Laboratory Method for Insecticide Resistance Assay on Mosquito.
  8. Field Collection Method for Mosquito Surveillance. 

Clinical Case Study (Asynchronous):

  • Fever on a Returning Soldier. 
  • A Child with Puffy Eyelids. 

Practical sessions:

  • Mosquito Collection using morning resting collection method.
  • Insecticide Resistance Testing on Adult Mosquito using biochemical assay method. 

Field Trip:

  1. Vector and Disease Reservoir Research Centre (B2P2VRP), Salatiga. 
  2. Wolbachia Center, Center for Tropical Medicine UGM.
Measurable learning outcome:
  • Students understand the theoretical basis of vector-borne diseases (C2). 
  • Students understand the challenges in vector-borne disease control (C2). 
  • Students can deduce the possible diagnosis based on data provided on clinical scenario (C3). 
  • Students can demonstrate the skills required to collect mosquito samples from the field (P2). 
  • Students can demonstrate the laboratory skills required to detect insecticide resistance in vector mosquito (P2). 
Tailor-made activities:


Number of participants:

3 – 6 students 

Person in charge dr. Taufik Mulya Perdana, M.Sc.
Contact Number Office:

Department of Parasitology, FK-KMK UGM




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