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One Health and Control of Antimicrobial Resistance

FK-UGM. About 350 participants from agencies of the Ministry of Health, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health both the district and province, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, Health Security Agency, as well as from students attending activities Postgraduate Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) in 2017. ASM 2017 with the theme of Prevention and Control of Antimicrobial Resistance is one of a series Anniversary held in order to celebrate 71 years of Faculty of Medicine, Hospital UGM 5 years and 35 years DR. Sardjito.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., PhD., SpOG (K) confirms that it is time for the world of health intensified activities of one health, including efforts to human health, animal health and food, as well as environmental health. The third component is an integral and inseparable. How did it happen? “First, it should be the role of each institution to translate from WHO global plan. Second, prepare doctors and nurses to develop knowledge and surveillance, “said Prof. Ova while opening the agenda of the ASM, Saturday (4/3) at the Auditorium of Faculty of Medicine.

Advisor to the Minister of Health Technology and Globalization Division, Ministry of Health, dr. Slamet, MHP in his keynote speech reveals that the important implications of the antibiotic is not appropriate Indonesian children have now become a middle income country die from diseases that can be prevented and treated with drugs outside of antibiotics. Why microbes become resistant ?. The health ministry expert staff explained that the first, due to the use of improper treatment of human beings (not obedient to the use of antibiotics). Second, the use of antibiotics in animals. As for the third reason, as a result of waste disposal antimicrobial improper.

In 2015-2019, the Ministry of Health emphasizes a healthy paradigm that focuses on the preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative in a structured, systematic and massive. Certainly not enough to make it happen with curative measures alone, but will need the participation of other sectors. “The health sector humans, animals and plants have a shared responsibility to tackle anti-microbial resistance,” he said.

Discussion about the policy control the circulation of antimicrobial d Indonesia, challenges faced in the case of antimicrobial resistance in the perspective of the global and regional as well as information teraktual our existence in the world of antimicrobials delivered by Prof. dr. Josep Kusnanto day, SU, Dr.PH at the first session successfully led anstusiasme the audience. This session presents three expert speakers namely Dr. Ir. Penny Kusumastuti Lukito, MCP., Dr. Budiono Santoso, SpFK, PhD and Prof. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto, M.Med.Sc, PhD. The participants’ enthusiasm evidenced by the discussions were quite warm from some participants are asked at the discussion sessions both internally and participants webinar participants from Japan.

The material in the second session presented by Prof. Dr. Kuntaman, dr. MS, SpMK (K), then proceed from the BPJS which raised issues regarding the administration of antimicrobial drugs in the national formulatorium for the prevention and control of antimicrobial resistance by moderator Dr. Tri Authority, PhD, SpMK. The expert staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Zullies Ikawati, Apt also present to enhance discussion of the role of pharmacists in the prevention and control of antimicrobial resistance.

Dr. Purnamawati, SpA (K) of the Foundation for Concerned Parents closes this session with a discussion of the behavior and consumer protection in the use of antimicrobials in the community. The discussion in this session stressed that people should be prudent and selective use of antimicrobial resistance and to avoid extended periods of treatment due to diseases that are self-limiting disease because of the economic spectacles, cases of antimicrobial resistance in Indonesia causing losses of up to 36 trillion / year.

Unlike the previous two sessions of exposure. At this third session, Dr. Budiono Santoso, SpFK, PhD, led a panel discussion on the topic The Role of Stakeholders in the Prevention and Control of Antimicrobial Resistance and Follow-up efforts. Four panelists in this session consisted of staff from across the Indonesian Association of Health Service, Dr. Yulianto Prabowo, Kes; Medicals Doctor, Dr. Dr. FX. Wikan Indarto, SpA., Health Staff Nurse, Dr. Ibrahim Rachmat, S.Kp, Kes; Staff Pharmacist Association Indonesia Yogyakarta, Yulianto, S.Farm, MPH, Apt and health practitioners and representatives of science in the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., PhD, SpOG (K).

Third session panel discussion emphasized the importance of the role of the points of various stakeholders involved in the use of antimicrobials so that its use in the community may be increasingly supervised and thoughtful. The hope, health practitioners no longer prescribe antibiotics freely only by examination of the history of the patient. Similarly, the pharmacist should be more assertive avoid antimicrobial sales to the general public. With a complete effort from all parties that are expected to regulations concerning the use of antimicrobials can actually run to prevent the occurrence of resistance cases and deaths due to extended use. (Fitria / Reporter; Wiwin / IRO)

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