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Longevity Realization Through Nutritional Approaches

FK-KMK UGM. Department of Health Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing has organized some competitions in International Nutrition and Health Symposium (INHESION) UGM, such as public posters, scientific essays, and literature review. One activity that was done is a hybrid webinar titled “Maintaining Good Health and Longevity Through Nutritional Approaches that is held on Sunday (30/10) in Tahir Building of FK-KMK UGM.

“I hope INHESION run excellently,” Dr. Mirza Hapsari Titis Penggalih, S.Gz., M.P.H., RD, representative of Department of Health Nutrition said.

Based on Prof. Suzanna’s research, 93.2% of 801 samples experience unsuccessful aging. “Risk factors of unsuccessful aging are living in rural areas, unemployed, unmarried, and underweight,” she said.

To solve this problem, dietary patterns can be a solution. Based on what Prof. Jane said, one of the advantages of dietary patterns is to help cure disease. “This is also a realization of successful aging,” she said.

Compared to average global conditions, Indonesia has lower socio-economic status, less educated, less access to health care service, and suffers from malnutrition. This explanation is given by Tony Arjuna in his presentation. “This condition can be solved by nutrition intervention,” he said.

The objectives of nutrition intervention are to promote and support healthy eating patterns, to address individual nutrition needs based on personal preference, to maintain the pleasure of eating, and to provide the individual with degenerative disease.

There are 3 speakers in this event, Prof. Dr. Suzanna Shahar from Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia, Prof. Jane C-J Chao from Taipei Medical University, and Tony Arjuna, S.Gz., M.Nut.Diet., Ph.D., AN, APD from Universitas Gadjah Mada. (Reporter: Nirwana)

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