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Learn The Health System from Pandemic

FK-KMK UGM. Department of Policy and Health Management, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM organize The 16th Virtual Postgraduate Forum on Health System & Policy dengan topik Learning Health Systems During Pandemic and Beyond: Lessons from Asia on Innovations Toward More Resilient Health System. The event is held for 2 days, from Friday to Saturday (15-16/7) virtually and can be watched through HPM FK UGM YouTube channel.

“Many igorances and uncertainties during the pandemic, we can see how health system learning is important for navigation. Learning ability is the key for readiness because we live in a pandemic , crisis is a new normal,” Dean of FK-KMK UGM, dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, M.Sc. , Ph.D., FRSPH said.

dr. Yodi said health history shows that an important part of learning (during pandemic or crisis) is the ability of health system learning. It makes a difference in the result of facing health threats as an effort to improve health conditions and applying health policy and reformation. However, the pandemic shows to us that there is no other alternative for the health system, it changes to “learning health system”.

Forum discusses health systems from various Asian countries, resolve, and learn it during pandemic according to the health system concept, explores strategic issues in the health system during pandemic, and produces new knowledge about health system learning.

Forum presenting domestic and overseas expert speakers. This event is a collaboration of FK-KMK UGM and University of Kebangsaan Malaysia, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand with Dr. Diah Ayu Puspandari, Apt., M.Kes from the Department of Policy and Health Management as the head of the collaboration.

Reporter: Dian

Translator: Nirwana

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