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Learn Managerial Leadership from the Experts

FK-KMK UGM. The faculty continues to improve teaching staff competencies within the FK-KMK UGM environment. “The Managerial Leadership: Delegating for Development Workshop” is one of the efforts to improve the leadership abilities of FK-KMK UGM lecturers.

The workshop presented guest speaker Raymond L Wells, Ph.D from the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), Philadelphia, United States of America, Thursday (13/07) at the Auditorium Tahir Foundation Postgraduate Program Building, 8th floor, FK-KMK UGM. This workshop learns about manage the tasks/responsibilities, delegate for establishing or shifting accountability, and judge and manage risk.

“What do you recommend?” becomes an important question for leaders in improving the learning of team members from the learning stage to the doing stage. “This is able to build trust, understanding, and confidence in our ability to complete all tasks/responsibilities,” Raymond explained.

Raymond added that a leader should not allow his members to ask what to do or wait to be told. However, the leader can ask ‘what do you recommend’ and do that. This will develop the ability of team members to be better and do what they are supposed to do.

Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, dr. Ahmad Hamim Sadewa, Ph.D conveyed the importance of this workshop for the delegation of managerial tasks in Departments/Studi Program. (Reporter: Dian Paramitasari. Translater: Nirwana)

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