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Jazz Night 2018: FKKMK Anniversary Closing Event

Being an amazing universal media, music can be enjoyed by everyone and can unify various people and elements. No wonder that music has been becoming a media to unite and entertain everyone, and for channeling any talent. This was the goal of FKKMK UGM used to hold the Jazz Night 2018 on 21st April at FKKMK UGM.

The Jazz Night 2018 was held as an ultimate event from an event series of FKKMK’s 72nd anniversary, Sardjito Hospital’s 36th anniversary, Academic Hospital of UGM’s 6th anniversary, and dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten Hospital’s 90th anniversary.

Dean Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med, SpOG(K) opened 2018 Jazz Night. She explained briefly on why FKKMK UGM chose jazz music to be performed. “Jazz music is similar as a work of doctor. Doctor works using science, indeed, but they also pay attention to ‘art’, and that art needs a lot of improvisation related to the cases found. So does jazz music. I hope this event can strengthen the friendship between academicians and hospital’s personnel” she expressed enthusiastically. As a chairman of the anniversary events, Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Yuli Setianto, SpPD (K), SpJP(K) was also seen attending the event. He thanked for the warm supports from all committees.

The event started at 7:00 PM and ended at around 11:17 PM. It was divided into two entertaining sessions. In the first session, the audience was entertained by several performances comprises of clinical staffs, residents and students such as dr. Endro Basuki, M.Kes., Sp.BS(K), The Wire Band (from orthopedic residents), Cardiaccoustic Band (from cardiology residents), and Hospita Gama Band (from the Hospital of UGM), while the subsequent session was enlivened by Dr. dr. Carla Raymondalexas Marchira, Sp.KJ(K), Medical Music Community, Escapees Band (from batch 2012), and many more. (Rasyid/interpreted by Leo)

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