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FK-KMK Presents ‘Outbreak’ Exhibition

FK-KMK UGM. The Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM held the Outbreak: Epidemics in Connected World exhibition, in collaboration with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History (NMNH). The exhibition event was held on the 3rd floor Skybridge of the Tahir Foundation Graduate Building, starting on Friday (11/15) ago.

Outbreaks cannot be separated from the one health approach, and interdisciplinary response is essential to stop an outbreak and its impact on society.

“We already have some achievements, successfully eradicating the smallpox, polio virus, and eliminating malaria, however, in addition, there are still many diseases that still occur”, said the Head of the Center for Tropical Medicine FK-KMK UGM, dr. Riris Andono Ahmad.

dr. Riris Andono added that this exhibition became relevant. “We can build awareness that there will be other outbreaks in the future, which can also be prevented if had awareness and skills”.

On the other hand, the Dean of FK-KMK UGM, Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M. Med. Ed., Ph.D., SpOG (K) said that the outbreak exhibition was an encouragement for institutions to provide effort for community education and to develop themselves.

“Hopefully, this outbreak exhibition can stimulate another exhibition, so that promotion and education efforts for the community can take place better,” she said when open the exhibition.

The outbreak exhibition agendas, also marked by playing of the film, which title “One Health” to control zoonoses and new infectious diseases in Indonesia, and the film “The Fight Against Ebola”. (Reporter: Wiwin/IRO. Translator: Vania/IRO)

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