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Ethical Issues in Primary Health Care

FK-KMK UGM. Role of health professionals in Primary Health Care (PHC) is to increase society participation in the development and implementation of health care and health education programs. This explanation is given by Prof. Dr. D. L. Dick Williams from UMC University Amsterdam in Raboan Discussion Forum that is held by enter for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH), Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM on Wednesday (28/9) with “Ethics in Primary Health Care” as a topic.

Prof. Dr. D. L. Dick Williams explained that there are some central value in PHC, such as personalized care, medical generalist, continuous, and cooperative care.

“Some ethical issues in PHC that we met often are lifestyle issues, informed consent and referral, professional secrecy with families, role of insurance companies, and so on,” he said. He also said that unhealthy lifestyle is the biggest risk factor that causes diseases in developed and developing countries.

One of the solutions to change people’s lifestyle is making the healthy choice as the easy choice. “Putting elevators out of sight and making the staircase attractive is the example,” Prof. Dick Williams said. (Nirwana/Reporter)

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