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Environment Caring for Future Health

FK-KMK UGM. Global climate change impacts public health status. Extreme weather, storm, flood, disruption of the food security system, increasing zoonotic disease, crises of the clean water and healthy air, and mental health problems are examples of impacts of health threats due to global climate change conditions. These health risks become threats for vulnerable groups, especially children, women, poor society, elderly, and disabled people.

One action to decrease global climate change risks in public health is maintaining sustainability and cleanliness of the environment. First, rearrange life conditions in the form of eco-village, eco-municipality, and sustainable city. Second, review economic sector strengthening through a permaculture system or agriculture with sustainability life arrangement and green building or sustainable architecture. Third, develop new technology, such as strengthening green technology concepts or renewable energy. Last, adjust individual lifestyles that support the preservation of natural resources.

In response to this, in 2022 Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing in collaboration with Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada initiated to organize Summer Course 2022 on Interprofessional Healthcare with “Environmental Sustainability for Healthier and Happier Life” as a theme. Programs of Summer Course 2022 have two main agendas: face to face meeting in class and practical activities in some Public Health Center in Kulon Progo.

Summer Course 2022 gives opportunity for the media to see participants’ activities directly in Pengasih 1 Public Health Center through Pers Tour 2022. This program is aimed for the media to see participants’ activities in Dusun Kroco Desa Sendangsari Kapanewon Pengasih Kabupaten Kulon Progo. In this visit program, media will join participants’ activities in Integrated Healthcare Center, waste management point, and cleanliness education in Gebangan Elementary School.

The selection of Kulon Progo as Summer Course 2022 location is in accordance with the characteristics and condition of people there. “Through this activities, we can participate in maintaining environmental health and use this activities as economic resources,” S.Gz., M.Nut.Diet., Ph.D., AN., APD, Summer Course Compassionate Field Supervisor of Pengasih 1 said in pers conference in Joglo Dusun Kroco Desa Sendangsari Kapanewon Pengasih Kabupaten Kulon Progo.

“Climate change is prepared from an early stage so the selection of elementary schools becomes a target of Pengasih 1 Public Health Center activities,” Chief of Pengasih 1 Public Health Center. Dr. Yusniar Ridani said. Besides activities in elementary school, Summer Course participants also join some activities in Integrated Healthcare Center in Sendangsari through knowledge sharing about stunting and managing trash as a handicraft.

214 participants is joined Summer Course 2022, consist of 60 students from UGM and non UGM, also 154 participants from various University, such as VU Medical Center, Holland; University of People, California; University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan; University Dhaka Bangladesh, Bangladesh, University of Putra Malaysia, Malaysia; Ramathibody, Faculty of Nursing Mahidol University, Thailand; and Kunming Medical University, China.

Based on what Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs FK-KMK UGM, dr. Ahmad Hamim Sadewa. Ph.D, international activities like Summer Course give a lot of knowledge for students about today’s issues in society and give opportunities for foreign students to join in society directly.

Reporter: Winanti & Dian
Translator: Nirwana

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