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Dean of FK-KMK UGM Welcomes World-Renowned Radiologists

FK-KMK UGM. The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK-KMK UGM), Prof. dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, M.Sc, Ph.D, FRSPH., welcomed a visit from distinguished radiologists on Thursday (September 5) at the Tahir Foundation Building, FK-KMK UGM.

The visiting radiologists included Bena Dirim Mete from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Izmir Demokrasi, Turkey; Tatiane Cantarelli Rodrigues from Sao Paulo Heart Hospital, Brazil; and Luis Cerezal Pesquera from Diagnóstico Médico Cantabria, Spain. Their visit coincided with their participation as speakers in seminars and workshops at the 12th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indonesian Musculoskeletal Radiology Subspecialty Association (PIT PERAMI) 2024, hosted by the Department of Radiology, FK-KMK UGM.

“We are here at the FK-KMK UGM Dean’s office to seek permission and blessings to share our knowledge at PIT PERAMI,” said Bena Dirim Mete.

Prof. Yodi warmly welcomed the visit, expressing gratitude to PERAMI for inviting esteemed international radiology experts to impart valuable knowledge to students, faculty, and participants at PIT PERAMI.

Tatiane expressed that this was her first time meeting and learning with students in Indonesia. She shared her positive impression of the participants, noting their enthusiasm and passion for learning.

“Due to their high interest and eagerness, the learning sessions extended beyond the scheduled time,” she remarked.

Also present at the meeting was Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad(K)., Vice Dean for Research and Development at FK-KMK UGM. She stated, “We can continue this collaboration in the future, especially since FK-KMK UGM has around 1,500 active residents who are very interested in this discipline.”

Prof. Yodi echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that this meeting marks the beginning of future collaboration between the parties. He expressed hope for joint academic and research initiatives, both nationally and internationally.

This visit aligns with the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3), Quality Education (SDG 4), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17). (Isroq Adi Subakti/Reporter).

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