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Clean and Healthy Living Behavior for A Healthy Living Environment

FK-KMK UGM. Air pollution is evident to be one of the main causes of illness and death, which essentially can be can be avoided globally. About 4.3 million deaths per year in developing countries are associated with exposure of household air pollution (indoor). While more than 3.7 million deaths per year attributed to outdoor air pollution. Those evidence is clearly stated by Marianne van Elteren, Ph.D from VUmc Amsterdam on a joint lecture (Tuesday 18/12) focusing on Health and Environment at the Postgraduate Building FK-KMK UGM. “The exposure to household air pollution drive so many serious health cases such as acute respiratory illnesses in children, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, not to mention heart disease or strokes,” she said. Elteren added that more than half of deaths from pneumonia in children aged 5 years-old can indeed be attributed to the exposure of household air pollution that are very dangerous to the health of children.

She then continued by explore some alternative solutions offered to reduce the impact of air pollution exposure as well as the reduction of air pollution directly to the source, e.g. derived from energy power generation, transportation, city planning, building, industrial or agricultural. “Moreover, it is important to promote a healthy life behavior by keeping away children from cigarette smoke,” her concluded.

Dozens of graduate students of FK-KMK UGM attended joint lecture with the theme of Climate Change and Health. In addition to Dr Elteren, Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto, DrPH, professor in public health with his expertise on environmental health delivered his lecture entitled “Climate Change Issues in Environmental Health”. A healthy living environment will be improving the quality of life and long-term health.(Wiwin\interpreted by Alif)


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