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Challenges in Technology Development in the Health Sector

FK-KMK UGM. Master of Biomedical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM held a Biomedical Multi-Verses Visiting Professor Program Seminar Session with the theme “New Technologies Development for Health and Research” on Wednesday and Thursday (15-16/3) at 1st Floor Auditorium Tahir Foundation FK-KMK Postgraduate Building.

Prof. Roger Frutos, Ph.D was present as the first speaker with the topic “Artificial Intelligence for Diagnosis: Do we have enough data?”. According to him, technology and data management in the development of AI for diagnosis are not the main problem. “The biggest challenge in developing this technology is data production. It is difficult to get data whose amount and criteria match what we want,” he explained.

In line with the presentation of Prof. Roger, Dr. Mardhani Riasetiawan, S.E., M.T from FMIPA UGM agrees with the challenges in developing AI technology in the health sector. According to him, to solve this problem requires cross-disciplinary collaboration. “Currently there are many sources and laboratories that we can use, but many are still not aware of its existence. This is because there is no platform that can be widely accessed to store the data obtained,” he explained.

Mardhani is a UGM Big Data developer. UGM Big Data is an initiation for the development of one UGM data management which provides data mart facilities and analysis services for multi purposes.

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