Center for Reproductive Health (CRH)

Story Behind the Picture

“Center for Reproductive Health (CRH), in collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, John Hopkins University and the National Family Planning Coordinating Board,hosted the Monitoring Performance and Accountability 2020 (PMA2020). The general purpose of this survey is to determine indicators and achievement of Family Planning programs such as sociodemographics characteristics of respondents, including residency, dwelling, wealth quintile, age, parity and education in Indonesia periodically. PMA2020 will be implemented until 2018 and consists of 6 Rounds”


CRH is a research center engaged in research, training, consultancy, monitoring and evaluation of programs. Activities intended to improve the health, growth and development of the human life cycle in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, maternal and child health, as well as changes in the population, including the mother and baby, family, youth, women, the elderly, and populations with special health needs.

CRH has built a Community Health and Nutrition Research Laboratory(CHN-RL) since 1994 in Purworejo district and has facilitated numerous studies by faculty and students, test new interventions as well as providing training for local government staff. Since 1999 it was accepted as member of INDEPTHNetwork (a network of scientists in the field of population and demographics worldwide) with the name of Health Demographic and Surveillance System (HDSS) Purworejo.
The center was chosen as a Center of Excellence in International Comprehensive Right Based Family Planning Training. This is part of the cooperation between the National Family Planning Coordinating Board and CRH, supported by UNFPA which is a manifestation of the commitment of the Government of Indonesia on South-to-South cooperation as a member of the G20, as well as an investment in human resources in the field of reproductive health.
At this time, the Center organizes some activities;

  1. Training in a comprehensive Family Planning, which is the implementation of the activity as the Center of Excellence.
  2. Clinical Trial Comparative Effectiveness, Safety, and Acceptance Contraceptive Containing Lynestrenol (Nexton® and Exluton®) for Women Breast feeding. In cooperation with PT Hansen Laboratories, the BKKBN as the responsible and supervised by BPOM, aimed to determine the efficacy, safety, and acceptability of contraceptives containing Lynestrenol Nexton® is compared with the innovator Exluton® for breastfeeding women. Expected to be one of the alternative contraceptive options for breastfeeding mothers in Indonesia.
  3. The study entitled “Surveillance of the burden of HIV infection and HPV type-specific distribution in Central Java, Indonesia: implications for a prevention strategy “in the Small Grant scheme with a duration of one year was conducted in Purworejo (surveillance region). These activities collaborate with the Nossal Institute University of Melbourne.
  4. The Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020 (PMA 2020). Family Planning surveillance data collection that is supported by the Gates Institute at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health. Results are expected tosupport the nationally representative survey, low cost and fast, using the technology of communication tools to collect, analyze, and disseminate information on family planning and other health-related information at the household level and health facilities. The survey was conducted in eleven countries, including Indonesia.
  5. Quantitative Assessment of Family Planning Supply Chain (Logistics). This activity is a survey of contraceptives supply in family planning service facilities in the project area of My Choice in four provinces (North Sumatra, Jakarta, Central Java, and South Sulawesi). Assessment was carried out in cooperation with the JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. and in coordination with the National Family Planning Coordinating Board. The collection of data in the field were using tablet technology (android) and data were sent to the server via the Internet soon after collected.
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