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Center for Reproductive Health, FK-KMK UGM, Hosts Dissemination on Mental Health Promotion

FK-KMK UGM. In today’s world, mental health issues have become a significant topic of public discourse. Adolescents and young adults, in particular, are identified as a vulnerable group concerning mental health and overall well-being.

The Center for Reproductive Health at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK-KMK UGM), has taken a keen interest in this issue. In response, they have initiated a groundbreaking movement to understand the mental health landscape among adolescents. This initiative culminated in the launch of the Dissemination of the Adolescent Mental Health Landscape Analysis in Indonesia on Tuesday (7/5) at J.S. Luwansa, South Jakarta.

This event was supported by Grand Challenges Canada (GCC) in collaboration with Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, recognizing Indonesia as a priority country for this issue.

The research extends beyond adolescent mental health issues to examine triggering factors and the urgency for intervention and cross-sectoral collaboration.

The findings reveal several key messages, including the high prevalence of mental health disorders among Indonesian adolescents. Key triggers identified include childhood trauma, family dynamics, inadequate coping mechanisms, bullying, gender norms, stigma, and discrimination.

UGM researchers advocate for a strategic and multidimensional approach to ensure effective intervention and support for Indonesian adolescents.

The recommended strategies involve public and private sector engagement, academic collaboration, task-sharing and shifting, and knowledge sharing.

Additionally, the dissemination event introduced the Request for Proposals: Funding Bold Ideas for Youth Mental Health in 12 countries . This open research opportunity focuses on innovative solutions and interventions to address mental health challenges, especially in Indonesia.

Furthermore, this program aims to promote prevention efforts, mental health promotion, and support services for adolescent mental health. It is expected to contribute significantly to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Good Health and Well-being (SDGs 3), Gender Equality (SDGs 5), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDGs 17).

For detailed research findings, please access the following link: Mapping Youth Mental Health Landscapes: Local Insights from 13 Countries. (Contributor – dr. Bianda Dwida Pramudita, M.Sc./ Editor – Isroq Adi Subakti)

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