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Alumni Sharing Broadens Students’ Horizon

Majority of FKKMK UGM’s graduates choose to work on the clinical path despite of the fact that there are still many other institutions such as army, police, and bureaucracy which require competent graduates of health sector. Through bureaucratic and governmental path, alumni of FKKMK UGM might create and manage health policy. To broaden students’ horizon of future career path, FKKMK UGM held an event called “Alumni Berbagi” (Alumni Sharing) on Sunday 6th May.

Alumni Berbagi has always been attended by many inspiring FKKMK UGM’s alumni. Through this event, they had a chance to reminisce on their faculty, while also giving their precious experience to the attendants. Themed “Career Path in Governmental Service and Indonesian Army / Police”, it did make sense that Alumni Berbagi invited speakers from Indonesian government, Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), Indonesian National Police (POLRI), and Social Insurance Administration Organization (BPJS). Alumni coming as speakers were dr. Untung Suseno Sutarjo, M.Kes, Mayjen TNI Dr. Terawan A P, dr. Sp.Rad (K), dr. Aris Jatmiko, MM., AAK, dr. Astrid Anindita, MM, AKP. Muhtar Effendi, M.Psi, and many more. The event was able to attract the enthusiasm of a whopping 350 attendants.

Starting with coffee break, the event was continued with speeches from the committee chairman dr. Nur Arfian, Ph.D, chairman of Kagamadok Dr. dr. Sugiri Syafiref, MPA, and the Vice Dean for Cooperation and Alumni dr. Mei Neni Sitaresmi, Sp.A (K)., Ph.D. “To all attendant, I hope this event can inspire you, and should you have graduated later, please do not forget your alma mater, and who knows you can be one of the speakers in Alumni Berbagi like them,” expressed dr. Mei Neni.

The event had two interesting sessions, namely plenary and talk show session.  On the former session, attendants were invited understand various career path, while on the later session, they had a chance to choose one (out of four) topic based on their own preference. They could choose one of either nursing, health & nutrition, governmental, or military. At the end of the session, attendants were given some material from UGM psychologist team about job interview and several tips on how to improve the chance of being accepted at a company.

This event was the second time organized by Alumni Team of FKKMK UGM. The first Alumni Berbagi was held on 14th October 2017 and involved 74 speakers. Since the first one received so much praise and enthusiasm, the team was convinced to hold this event and the upcoming third too. Planned on October 2018, the third Alumni Berbagi would bring a theme of “Doctorpreneurship”. (Rasyid/Reporter_intepreted by Leo)

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